Colder weather is around the corner, and with it comes this year’s batch of colds, flu, sniffles, stomach bugs, and other fall and winter ailments. Every August and September in the U.S., there is a gradual spike in illnesses as children return to school and colder weather keeps people indoors longer.
It’s estimated that this leads to as many as a billion colds each year. While they’re a normal part of life, there’s no reason to embrace colds as a necessity.
On the contrary, there are many ways to keep your own body and those of your loved ones healthy and strong this year. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started.
1. Use Immunity-Boosting Supplements
Your immunity system keeps your body safe from foreign invaders. However, if it isn’t supported, it can come up short. One way to stay healthy is by using supplements that specifically target immunity support to fuel the body and help it stay strong.
PLAMECA’s PROTECTIUM DEFENS keeps your defenses up and running and protects your respirator tract from viruses and bacteria thanks to its exceptional combination of ingredients, including lactoferrin, mushrooms (reishi and shiitake), echinacea, β-1,3/1,6-glucans, Vitamin D3 and Zinc.
Vitamin C is another natural immunity booster that can help. PLAMECA’s unique vitamin C supplement contains 1000 mg of pure Vitamin C, equivalent to the content of 14 oranges. It is further enriched with bioflavonoids to obtain its highest absorption with an extended-release effect.
2. Wash Your Hands Often
Washing your hands regularly is a good way to stay safe from the potential effects of germs. The CDC recommends washing during a variety of normal daily activities, including food prep, eating food, using the bathroom, blowing your nose, and touching pets, pet items, or the garbage.
When you wash, make sure it’s with soap and warm water. Scrub for at least 20 seconds. Using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content is an acceptable alternative, as well.
3. Don’t Touch Your Eyes, Nose, or Mouth
Germs are often spread through touch. When a person touches their eyes, nose, and mouth, it can introduce unwelcome germs into their bodies. Avoiding constant contact in these areas is a great way to prevent contracting unnecessary illness.
It’s easier said than done. And yes, occasionally, you have to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. However, it’s worth practicing the habit of avoiding unnecessary hands-to-face contact during the winter months.
4. Take Care of Your Basic Needs
Finally, remember your basic self-care needs:
- Exercise often.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Stay hydrated.
- Maintain a healthy diet.
- Actively combat anxiety, depression, and stress.
Investing in your physical and mental health is a great way to keep your body strong and able to fight off germs, viruses, and infections.
Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season
Sickness in the fall and winter is so common that we’ve renamed the season after the illnesses that come with it. However, getting sick doesn’t have to be a prerequisite for colder weather.
If you take care of your body, use supplements, wash often, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth too often, you can cultivate a healthy lifestyle that can keep you upright and active, even as the colder weather creeps in.