4 Ways to Fight Overwhelm and Exhaustion

4 Ways to Fight Overwhelm and Exhaustion

We may live in an age where technology and automation are making certain things easier. But life still remains uniquely stressed out for many individuals.

74% of those asked said they had felt so stressed in the past year that they were overwhelmed or unable to cope. 30% of adults suffer from anxiety disorders at some point in their lives. 48% of the U.S. workforce reports feeling both mentally and physically tired by the end of each workday.

Everywhere you look, in every walk of life, people are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. If you find you’re among those struggling to keep up, here are a few simple tips to restore some calm to the crazy and help you slow down and enjoy life again.

1. Invest in Better Sleep

Your sleep has a major impact on your mind and body. If you aren’t getting at least seven hours of sleep each night, you may not be giving your body the rest it needs.

Even if you are sleeping long enough, you may not be getting enough high quality sleep. Use black-out curtains and aromatherapy to create a peaceful sleep environment. If you still can’t sleep well, consider using MELANOCTINA BILAYER to help you fall into and stay in a deeper sleep.

2. Take Breaks Consistently

Feeling overwhelmed doesn’t mean you can go nonstop until everything is done. On the contrary, failing to build breaks into your day can leave you less productive and more overwhelmed than ever.

Time Magazine reports that the ideal work-to-break ratio is 52 minutes of work followed by a 17-minute break. This gives your brain just enough time to disconnect, rest, and re-engage fresher and ready to be more productive.

3. Slow Down and Gain Perspective

Perspective is a powerful way to fight overwhelm. Remember, even if you feel like you’re drowning, often you’re not. If you feel you have too much on your plate, you can slip into cognitive distortions, like jumping to conclusions or catastrophizing.

Fight back by striving to gain perspective. When you feel that anxiety or mental exhaustion creeping in, give yourself a few minutes to regain some perspective. List off things that you’re grateful for. Work to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and an appreciation for the good things that you do have.

4. Care For Your Physical Body, Too

Physical self-care can have a surprisingly positive impact on your state of mind. Research has found that, on the one hand, a lack of activity and energy, as well as bad sleep (see tip one), can feed into depression. On the other hand, regular exercise can release endorphins, boost spirits, and lift your mood.

As you care for your body, remember to consider your nutrition, too. Stick to a healthy diet, and use supplements when helpful. For instance, you can use VENALIGHT CAPSULES to help with tired leg symptoms or DIGESTÍSSIMOH! to enhance digestion.

Overcoming Overwhelm and Exhaustion

It’s easy to slip into seasons of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. When that happens, you don’t have to accept it as inevitable.

Use the tips above to fight your way out of a slump. Sleep better. Take breaks. Be thankful. Get some exercise. Take supplements.

These are powerful tools that can help you keep your spirits up and your body strong as you tackle the challenges that each day brings your way.

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